Groupon Lessons
If you have purchased our offer from Groupon, you will need to set up an appointment with us to have your lesson. We want to be able to take the time to personalize the lesson to you and that's why we do the lessons by appointment, rather than having one big class. Please contact us to set up the appointment for your Groupon lesson.
Free Introduction to Fencing Lesson
We offer a free, one-hour Introduction to Fencing lesson by appointment. This can be for yourself or your family or for a small group of people. There is a button on the left side of the page if you want to contact us about arranging this intro lesson.
Beginner Group Classes
Beginner group classes start the week of January 21, 2024!!!!
Most students participate in group classes. These classes are offered a few times a week, see schedule below. While it is recommended that students attend 2-3 times a week, we understand busy schedules and can accommodate those students who only have time to attend once a week. The cost for the group class is $100 a month, for those attending just once a week the price is reduced to $75 a month. We offer discounts for family, prepaying and setting up a credit card autopay. There is no contract to sign. Typically, students will spend approx. 4 months in the beginner group class before moving to the more advanced group class. There is no need to purchase any gear. The school is happy to loan out gear until students are ready to purchase their own. Exceptions can always be made for the listed age range of a particular class. If the below schedule doesn't work for you, we also offer private lessons and small group lessons that are designed around your schedule.
Beginner Group Class Schedule:
- Sunday Beginner Class, ages 8 and up - Sun from 2-3pm, starting January 21
- Youth Beginner Class, ages 8-14 - Tue and Thur from 5-6pm, starting January 23
- Adult Beginner Class, ages 12 and up - Mon and Wed from 6-7pm, starting January 22
- Home School Beginner Class, ages 8 and up - We don’t have a day/time set up for this class at this time but if you are interested in setting up a home school class, please contact us. We are willing to work around your schedule to find days/times that work best for you and your HS group.
Summer Camps
We offer all-day, full week summer camps. The schedule is below. Details of the summer camps can be found here.
- Ages 7-9 Week 1 - June 3-7
- Ages 7-9 Week 2 - July 8-12
- Ages 10-12 Week 1 - June 10-14
- Ages 10-12 Week 2 - July 15-19
- Advanced Week 1 - June 17-21
- Advanced Week 2 - July 22-26
Pandemic Policies